Monday, December 30, 2013

God's Palette and Artistry

Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster ride but it ended with this exquisite sunset I captured on my cell phone from my little balcony.  It gave me some solace and a feeling of joy and gratitude. What an awesome array of color and shape. I'm inspired quite a bit from nature and I want to share a poem I wrote which is included in my new poetry book Essentials - giving birth to words, rhymes and a story or two.  As you know, I recently finished my (kind of) limited memoirs How I Survived the Sixties and decided to follow up with something completely different.  I have written these poems and stories over the years. 
 I guess I can finally call myself a writer.  I enjoy writing quite a lot and even though I'd rather be on stage, I have had to make peace with it, for I do believe it's what God wants me to do. There is a feeling I'm guided to do more and more.  Marginally house-bound at this time(no wheels),  I actually recall I have been through a brief spell very similar when I was living with my brother in a God-awful place called Rowland Hts.  Oh yes, and another time in Santa Monica and I actually wrote a poem about the whole experience, Year of the Locusts, also in my book.  Discovering the Library and finding all I could do was write.  I'm seeing a pattern here, (she laughs) ... The willful Aries gal has to take a breather from all the theatrical antics I'm capable of and sit quietly at the computer creating rhymes and prose. 

Here is my poem Awe and One-der,  I hope you enjoy it and do tell me what you think.  There are many more in my book which is now available on CreateSpace
And will also be available on soon.

Awe and ONE-der

From the ball of orange and flame 
To earth displaying its show of colors
Embracing the visual cortex like a strong wind,
Passing through heavens vault of cobalt blue
Visited by alabaster clouds

Dropping to the ocean, full of life,
Unseen from warm sand and surf
Sending a breeze to dance a samba
‘Round the tall, pulsing trees
As it forces natures leaves to sparkle silver

Vibrations of white light run through me
Perpetually, Daily, Eternally
Like a shock of lightening,
Carrying to the furthest pockets of my being
Feeding me eternal life so I may exist, forever

I watch creation shiver as the sun descends
Sliding down the horizon, light speed
Oh, magnificent orb, you have left us in twilight
With this electric garment encompassing my soul
Full of praise for Your resplendent artwork
I am most humbly grateful Lord!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Ah, the blessed SUN! How I love thee!

There is nothing like a little sunshine to perk up the most down-trodden soul.  It may be almost freezing but I bundle up and walk to the store and thank God for the most welcomed warmth on my face.   Today I hopefully finish my poetry/prose book Essentials which I was inspired to do after publishing my other book How I Survived the Sixties. Since I don't have wheels, I'm making the best of a very frustrating situation.  Lots of lemonade.  Writing and making jewelry.  5 years ago I had to look after my brother who is disabled and I had no car then also.  I walked to Michael's bought a glue gun and created pins with Swarovski crystal bead elements. So I'm taking it up again and to another level. They are very blingy in the light but these pics don't do them justice.  I've been selling some, giving some away.  It's just so much better than sitting in front of a TV stuffing my face.  So here are a few samples.  I'd make other shapes if I could find something else that wasn't too big or too corny.  I had made one with a camel shape(found it in LA) and that went really quickly.  So today, I will surrender my situation, give it over as best I can to my Highest Power and continually ask for guidance so my life can improve. At least I have a very comfortable and warm apartment to live in.  Finally!  It took coming to NC to accomplish that.  Oh yes,  if you need a good film to see, Saving Mr. Banks has it all.  Great film!  Will win Emma Thompson an award I hope!  I always root for her since we share the same b'day, April 15th.   Happy trails and God bless!!     


Thursday, December 26, 2013

My book "How I Survived the Sixties" is available!

It's the day after Christmas 2013, and we only have a few days left of this very challenging year.  For me it's been so full of changes, a new home, and a slew of new friends.  It's been forever since I've written anything on this blog too.  But I'm proud that I finally took all my blogs about the Sixties and created a fun book to read, How I Survived the Sixties.   For Subud members they will find my own personal story of how I came upon Subud in 1969.  For all the other folks who may have lived in the 60's, it will be something to take you back to a very different era in time and some stories may resonate with your own. For the younger set, you will have fun reading about this very turbulent and crazy time. You can go to this link and purchase the book if you are so inclined. 

You can find the book also on but they are keeping so much of the money, my royalties are minimal with them.  I had a lot of fun putting this book together and I had stellar help from Lisa Bonelli, a writer/editor in New Jersey.  Lucky me!!   Even though life is very difficult at the moment, attempting to secure health insurance with one of the worst states to do it in, I'm surviving somehow. Yikes, I can't believe the hoops they make you jump through, even with my minimal income and my age.  It's very hard to believe they want me to pay almost as much as what I receive every month in social security for health insurance.  When I lived in NYC, I had such great coverage.  Well, I only need wait 1 year and four months and I will then qualify for Medicare.  Ah, the perks of getting older. (a smile is on my face.) So one of my next books will be How I Survived MY Sixties.  Of course, I won't be writing it for a few years now, and hopefully I'll write more in between.  I have a poetry book I'm working on now, Essentials: Giving birth to words, rhymes and a story or two.  I'll let you know when that is available.  Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!  So much to be grateful for actually.  God bless!