Friday, September 16, 2011

The Truth Will Set You Free

Don't you just love those words, "the truth will set you free." So what is the "truth" and you will be set free from "what?" Okay, so as we all know, someone's truth is another man's lie. We can argue that forever. I created this blog because I heard this expression so much in my life "if the truth be told." It just depends on who's telling the truth and who does it apply to. My truths are simple, I know that surrender to the Highest Power is absolutely necessary in this life if one wants to live in serenity and peace. I know that I have to love all humankind, not just a select few, because those were my instructions long ago, the time when I heard the voice say, after I pleaded to the universe during my out of body experience "it's not time to go yet" and the booming voice answered, "well, if you go back you must love all mankind."

A weighty assignment indeed... but in all the years following I've discovered, it's not so much loving "all mankind" but learning to love myself, and knowing how much God loves me. I also found using the word humankind in reference to everyone is a bit more all embracing. So there you have it. My once in a lifetime, out of body experience. No bright lights, singing angels, just a loud voice giving me my marching orders. It's been a long, sometimes blissful, sometimes horrific road but I'm finally in a place of such self-love and gratitude. I know what I'm supposed to do now. Be the joy, be the love, be the very temporal entity that I have been given to be, living in the now and truly loving my brothers and sisters. I don't care what the media, TV/Film dictates. Fear nothing and surrender to the most loving God. Magic, mystery, freedom and delight will be had! If we but surrender and trust. Oh, I heard that booming voice one other time in my life, it said "you have nothing to worry about." Now who wouldn't want to hear something like that, I tell ya? Have a wonderful day, week, life!! Peace & Love

1 comment:

  1. My voice said "everything is Love". "Everything" is everything not just this or that but everything. And another time when I was in a head-on accident and I thought my time was up, everything went into slow mo and everything in my back sit was flying (floating) forward smashing the windshield and glass floating back at me in slow mo, a voice said to me as my whole life flashed before my eyes, all the good and all the bad in just a flash of a second, it said, "you have come to this moment to experience life is perfect. Everything is perfect, all the good or bad is all the same and it is perfect." And a flash of a second after the accident it said, "if the past is perfect than the future is perfect so you can be anyone you want to be". It took a while to figure out who I was and what I wanted to be but it came to me, that same voice said I don't need to be anyone special or famous, I just need to be true to myself and everyone else and realize who I am inside, God within and letting go and being in the flow with each next moment in the Now. It has being hard to keep this knowledge alive in me in each next moment with life's up and downs and realizing it is all part of it and keeping with the flow. The ego is strong and will make you think it is real this Maya playing in front of you but it is just a dream an illusion not to get hung up on. All things pass. Witness to play of consciousness is the easy way to experience the NOW. Go out and have fun in Love with all and everything and remember everything is perfect, all in the plan to go where you are suppose to go and experience what you are suppose to experience knowing it is all GOD. So feel real good always and in everything.
