Tuesday, February 25, 2014

RIP Sarah Jones, Your Beauty Lives On

 On Facebook last night I saw a post by someone named Zach  Goldberg, a young filmmaker, writing something totally new, who had to express his grief, disappointment and sadness about the lose of a young woman who worked as crew in film and TV here in the South. Her name was Sarah Jones and when working for a biopic Midnight Rider, about the musician Gregg Allman,  shooting in Georgia she lost her life.  They are calling it a tragedy and it certainly is for her family.  What a shock it would be for her parents to hear that their daughter, in the line of duty, was hit by a train.  She was not dodging bullets in Afghanistan or driving a car on an icy road during rush hour.  She was making a movie.  And she wasn't even a stunt person.  She was 2nd AC(assistant camera) operator.   This blog Zach wrote moved me so much that I had to respond.  I would suggest you go to this sight  http://wehaveembarked.com/were-just-making-movies/  and read what he had to say.  It is heartfelt, smart and will resonate with many film people.  I am one of them.  I love making films in front and behind the camera.  That is my reason to moving back to Los Angeles.  I find it remarkable that Zach wrote with such insight and empathy.  But that's what the film community is filled with.  Very sensitive and caring individuals. 

After you read his blog you can read my response below because I also felt something deeply about this girl, so fresh-faced, young and beautiful.  But as I told Zach, she is like a pebble thrown in a pond and the ripples reach far and wide.  There is even a special movement and page on FB to make sure her name is included in the In Memoriam segment of the Oscars on Sunday. You can go and like the FB page, type in  Slates for Sarah Jones.  I hope you join this sincere cause to make sure everyone is made aware of her unnecessary demise.   It was her job, making a film along with the coterie of film crew members she worked with on the set, but it cost her her life.  This can't happen again.  She was not a stunt person where something like "could" happen.   She was a crew member and from what I hear, others were injured at the same time.  Please folks, no camera shot is worth someones life.  Here is my response to Zach.  Join me in saying a prayer for her.

Wonderful blog/story about losing someone on a set where you are "just making movies."  It's so sad to lose someone you work with and at such a young age.  I hope you know, she is in a much better place. I know those words may not sooth the hurt you are feeling but we will all be joining her eventually, one by one.  Granted, it was something that may have been avoided but do take heart, we are all learning serious and important lessons from her untimely death.  Sometimes people come into the world for a short time only to give us all a gift.   I work in film too, among other things.  My blog is http://pilarsings.blogspot.com/ and it's very eclectic.  If you scroll down, you will read a plethora of varied topics.  I'm heading back to LA from Wilmywood  (Wilmington)NC soon and will be once again navigating the waters of movie stars, fame and the heady world of filmmaking.  Thank you for putting it all in perspective for me.  You expressed the reality of our work in a way that will hopefully mean a change in attitude about what we do.  The 'shot' is important but people are precious, we must handle each other with care.  I lost someone to suicide, he was only 26, and I realized how unique we all are.  There will never be another you or me in the history of mankind.  I make an effort to look at each person I encounter with reverence.  I hope you all say some prayers for Sarah and her journey,  It will help her. Her spirit is forever.  God bless you young man on your journey and thank you once again for your expressing your heartfelt and sincere feelings.  You revered Sarah for her presence and that's all we can do. 

I have a son her age and I sometimes think about what I'd do if I lost him now.  God forbid.  There is an old Chinese blessing and it goes like this,  "grandmother dies, mother dies, child dies." ... You may ask what kind of blessing is that?  Well, it honors the natural course of events of family lose needing to take place for the least amount of grief for everyone.  Sarah died too young but as I mentioned in my response, she is a catalyst for us learning a great lesson and bringing us together.  Thank you Sarah.  God bless and guide you to a new place in Heaven.

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