Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Best Is Yet to Come: Boulder, Colorado

It's been May since I've written in my blog and so much has happened since then.  I had just moved back to LA from NC to be with family when a two-week trip to Mexico brought someone in my life who I thought was the one, but turned out only to be the catalyst to get me to Boulder, Colorado, a very special place.  It's snowing today, the pic on the left was from yesterday when the sun came out and I went for a walk in 32 degree weather. So lovely, beautiful and brutal.  I swore I'd never live in cold weather again but here I am.  I didn't want to be wearing heavy coats with all the accessories and paraphernalia that comes with a glacial environment in an effort to not freeze your butt off.  I've been in Boulder for almost 7 weeks now and I've come to love it and what it has to offer.  I kind of feel like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde who left LA for Harvard to be with Warner, this man she thought was her prince.  Alas,that was not to be but so many more amazing things were waiting for her.  When it's not right, it's good to find our earlier than later.   

I've made some great friends since coming here. for as many people who want to be rich and famous that go to Los Angeles, that many people come here for spiritual development.  I've run into more intuitive healers, reiki masters, and other forms of spiritual practices than anywhere I've ever been before and there is of course the first Buddhist Univ. Naropa located here.

The good news for my projects of passion is the Colorado Film Commission accepted my screenplay How I Survived the Sixties for mentoring.  God-willing that will help open up the way for pre-production and who knows what else.  I'm also cast in a CU student film which I'll be filming tomorrow.  I've missed acting a lot, it's one of my big loves and so who knows what will happen next.  Here is a link to my actor reel which I also have some of my singing.   I'll have some more to add after tomorrow. Along with something I did in LA before I left. 

So I'm closer to my older daughter who lives in Santa Fe, NM and will try to go visit soon.  I'm also practically neighbors with Reynold Ruslan Feldman and his wife Cedar who are very dear old friends of mine. I  attended their b'day party celebrated at a most beautiful home.  Great crowd of folks with such eclectic interests.  Cedar did something so unique and had folks within each decade come up and talk about being in their 30's, 40', etc. all the way to 80's.  It was a most amazing way to honor each person who attended.  I'm so fortunate to be living here now and to think I've known Reynold for over 45 years and consider him my Hanai-Papa since I met him in Hawaii in 1969 and he helped me so much in 2007.

So today I'm staying cozy in the house with the snow falling fast and furious and forced to find something to occupy my time. Since I love to write, what better way than to share these last few weeks in a completely new and exciting chapter of my life.  Bike trails everywhere so I get my exercise and take care of errands.  I love this about Boulder.  The shopping is really great with all the stores you could possibly need so close to one another.  I hope to have some more wonderful news for ya'll next time I write.  I'm still busy with school and learning Spanish, finishing up Literature and Composition and learning all about the World Religions. Today I'm grateful and hope to continue with that feeling.  I wish you all God's blessings.  Do let me know you've liked reading this by making a comment.   Love you! 

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