Thursday, May 27, 2010
What is Truth?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Naked Truth
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Truth Hurts
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty
In the exploration of women and their visibility in the world of entertainment, many facts were gathered from statistical findings and personal experiences. The film “Invisible Women” produced by Susan Davis and Susan Valdez, was shown to thousands and hailed as a vitally important documentation of the state of women in film and television and how it must be improved. As we dig into the year 2010, with our new President and his positive, hopeful outlook, the population and stature of women in the world cannot be ignored. It is manifesting that the right person for the job is no longer chosen from an outer perspective but what a particular person embodies from within. Be they black, female, homosexual or any other so-called minority. In fact, the minority scale is shifting and it will not be long before the races will be so completely blended, there will be very little definition on the color scale.
That is how it should be. In the grand scheme of things, recognizing and embracing a popular spiritual precept, we are all one. In the eyes of God, we are all one. Now that said, let us begin to behave if that were true. Let us begin by helping one another reach our goals. There is no reason that any of us, women especially, cannot accomplish what we were put on the earth to express. The obvious of course is the role of mother, but as intelligent and educated women we can unmistakably do so much more. There are many women in the world that have proven our potential as leaders, writers, artists, and the list goes on. As so many of us approach our sixties and beyond, living active, busy and productive lives, there is no need to sit back and allow life to pass us by. Knowing that the sky’s the limit, older women especially, are beginning projects that are remarkable in scope. Many of us have no choice but to spread our wings and soar. It’s a do or die mentality and it works for now.
The next step is to chronicle the amazing achievements that women all over the world are realizing. We are no longer “invisible” but “highly visible” and accomplishing remarkable feats. In all facets of creativity, politics, and even making the world a safer place to live, women are contributing time, money and love to numerous projects. One example is the task that Patricia Arquette has undertaken to help the ravaged citizens of Haiti build homes and attempt to have a normal day to day life. Everyone needs a roof over their head. There are probably many other selfless acts taking place for the betterment of living conditions. I would love to hear about them. I myself am working with a wonderful actress, Ellen Gerstein, to get on screen a very poignant and very true story from the 60's, in hopes to inspire and lift all generations to new ways of thinking and treating one another. Let's hope that these actions taken by so many women in the world will bring a peace that has never existed since the dawn of time but has to be realized if this planet is to continue in providing the habitat for humankind.