Thursday, May 27, 2010

What is Truth?

Guess I'm on a roll....two blogs in one week. Woop woop!

I was asked on my FB stream, "what is truth?" Good question. There are many definitions to truth, no surprise. Personally, like this description for the word truth, I heard it in a play a friend of mine did. The play was called "On Caring for the Beast" and I saw it twice, which was odd because the first time I had to close my eyes in one part. Nothing pleasant or aesthetic about torture and death, right?

So one of the actors proceeds to explain what truth is....I hear the first few words....oh no, she is saying truth is something awful(because she uses the word 'corrosive') and I'm thinking she is going to be critical of 'truth' but alas, as she finishes the sentence I'm transformed. What she said was profound. I love what words do to me. In the past 15 years I have fallen in love with words. The power, the beauty. How they can touch a person if put in just the right order. So this actress says, "truth is the most corrosive substance in existence. It dissolves all barriers; nothing can stand up to it." Wow! She got me at 'dissolves'. I had to call my actor friend and have him tell me the line so I could write it down and have it for all eternity.

So to me, that is what truth is. It is the element that will bring down all blocks to our understanding. We will all be brought closer by the truth. But truth, one may argue, is relative, someones opinion or doctrine they express. One could say that. But in my 'opinion', there is only the one truth or reality. God is Love! The glue that keeps us together and keeps us all from annihilating ourselves completely.

With my journey of purification, digging deep into my being to purge the self-hatred I inherited and accumulated over the years, I learn to love myself, my fellow humans and God more each day. On that spiritual level, nothing can be done but surrender and let that corrosive truth penetrate all negativity and surround myself with this love. I pray for that to happen and when it does it's painful and I forget I asked for this. But I want it, this love. The love that can bring tears to the eyes in joy and gratitude. I know that feeling. I may not trust it all the time but I relish it.

I went location scouting on Sunday for my film 'How I Survived the Sixties" and a friend took me over to this little cul-de-sac in Costa Mesa, and as we turned in to the road, there is this little sign saying "God is Love", and I knew this place would be perfect for my film. It may have been something left over from the 60's but it's still 'true' today and will always be true. Blessings to you all dear friends. Peace & Love!

1 comment:

  1. Pilar - Truth is a big subject... from one perspective, there are as many truths as there are people. The old saw about the 5 blind men and the elephant come to mind. But the Truth you're talking about - the One Truth, the final, most 'corrosive' Truth, that sweeps all away before it like a beneficent tornado - cannot be expressed in words, only in silence. As much as you and I both love words, we must admit their inadequacy when dealing with what we both know is Within.

    Still, of course, we try. It is the curse/blessing of the artistic soul to continually attempt to express the unspeakable, to capture and hold the ineffable, to try to contain and present that which is far too large for any of us to hold. Picasso said that art was lies that revealed truth. I suspect he's right.
