Good morning everyone, and here is the Friday Shameless Plug for my books. You see folks, I'm trying to raise funds to buy a car, nothing fancy, just something dependable that will get me to the store, auditions, etc. I've seen the divinity for not having one at this time, you see I would most likely not have written these books. But it's time to get on the road again, more or less.
Anyway, if you love poetry, you will love my book Essentials: Giving Birth to Words, Rhymes and a Story or Two. And if you want to take a trip down memory lane, especially if you are a baby boomer like me than go for How I Survived the Sixties. It's full of fun stories and iconic personalities I was fortunate to rub shoulders with in my youth. The books may be thin on pages but very rich and potent in content. I know you'll enjoy both. I sure had fun writing them for all who will read them. Right now I'm very isolated from the big city(and a place to sing), my children, and a Subud community to keep me supported spiritually.
So I am doing what is front of me and becoming a lean, mean writing machine. I do have two very cool feature film screenplays I can always work on so they are in prime shape if and when I get a big gun producer interested. And a short film script I'm adapting from a story I wrote in college circa 2008. Wow, that's already six years ago. I can't believe how time is whizzing by. My big reminder is looking at my children who are all adults now and they were just toddlers the other day. By the Grace of God, they are all doing so well, I couldn't be happier with all four and what they are accomplishing. I want them to be as proud of me as I am of them. So I'm doing whatever it takes to make up for all the years I didn't feel good enough about myself to share my passions and stories. I hope you can support this burgeoning author here and I know you will not be disappointed with the books. I'm thinking, maybe I need to offer a money back guarantee? Nah, But I know once you read them you will most likely want to pass them on to others. At least I hope so. Oh, and what was really cool about this experience is that I was able to create the book covers with photos I have and I love the one on the Essentials cover of Greenfield Lake right here in Wilmington. Gorgeous don't ya think? Wishing you all a blessed year fulfilling your hopes and dreams. I sure am gonna be busy working on mine. God bless!!
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