Friday, December 4, 2009

The Truth Will Set You Free

The truth will set you free, that of course being, if your shackled in the first place. I have been shackled all my life one way or another. One of my worst character defects is that I have always cared too much what people thought of me. OMG, talk about being a prisoner of the fickle opinions of man. Well, that has been put to rest. I think, I hope. I no longer feel the need to impress anyone most of the time. That little niggly thing creeps up now and then, the voice in my head wondering if I was good enough or did I do something wonderful, and waiting for a compliment and dreading the criticism. One of the most wonderful things I've ever heard in an Al-Anon meeting, and there are an abundance of wonderful sayings, is "what people think of me is none of my business." I've heard someone wrote a book with that title but it's my mantra right now and it gets me through the day. I'm actually on my way to audition for a commercial agent and I have this wonderful quiet feeling of just going in there and being who I am and doing my best and then just leaving it for God to work thru this lady to either sign me or not. You see, there is nothing so fine that God can't replace it with something finer. So if she doesn't sign me then I'll get someone better down the pike. So I'm off to read some cold copy and smile and maybe be goofy, whatever is asked of me. I will get an agent someday, maybe today, maybe not but I have tomorrow and what the day brings will be good too. Blessings to my lone readers!

1 comment:

  1. Break a leg, my dear, and follow whatever God puts in front of you!
