Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drum and Dance Documentary: The Eternal Rhythm Raising Completion Funds on Indie GoGo

Drum and Dance Documentary Film: "The Eternal Rhythm" produced and directed by me, Pilar Walsh, is now up on Indie GoGo as we raise completion funds!

The trailer is FABULOUS thanks to my great editor, Jeremy Scriptor and the support of all my great friends and colleagues. Please visit, watch the trailer, check out our great perks for donors and share with one friend. THANK YOU for your support!! -- Best wishes, Pilar

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Truth Never Dies

I was asked on my FB stream, "what is truth?" Good question. There are many definitions to truth, no surprise. Personally, I like this description for the word truth, I heard it in a play a friend of mine did. The play was called "On Caring for the Beast" and I saw it twice, which was odd because the first time I had to close my eyes in one part. Nothing pleasant or aesthetic about torture and death, right?

So one of the actors proceeds to explain what truth is....I hear the first few words....oh no, she is saying truth is something awful(because she uses the word 'corrosive') and I'm thinking she is going to be critical of 'truth' but alas, as she finishes the sentence I'm transformed. What she said was profound. I love what words do to me. In the past 15 years I have fallen in love with words. The power, the beauty. How they can touch a person if put in just the right order. So this actress says, "truth is the most corrosive substance in existence. It dissolves all barriers; nothing can stand up to it." Wow! She got me at 'dissolves'. I had to call my actor friend and have him tell me the line so I could write it down and have it for all eternity.

So to me, that is what truth is. It is the element that will bring down all blocks to our understanding. We will all be brought closer by the truth. But truth, one may argue, is relative, someones opinion or doctrine they express. One could say that. But in my 'opinion', there is only the one truth or reality. God is Love! The glue that keeps us together and keeps us all from annihilating ourselves completely.

With my journey of purification, digging deep into my being to purge the self-hatred I inherited and accumulated over the years, I learn to love myself, my fellow humans and God more each day. On that spiritual level, nothing can be done but surrender and let that corrosive truth penetrate all negativity and surround myself with this love. I pray for that to happen and when it does it's painful and I forget I asked for this. But I want it, this love. The love that can bring tears to the eyes in joy and gratitude. I know that feeling. I may not trust it all the time but I relish it.

Another truth is our connectedness with all humankind and I'm trying to bring it to the public so that instead of the brain-washing fear, hatred and violence we are being taught to embrace, I believe there is another way to live on this planet. Get in touch with our hearts, listen to The Eternal Rhythm and express that connected beat thru drum, dance and song. It will prove uplifting and healing. Guaranteed. Peace & Love, Pilar

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Testimonial from My Good Friend

When I moved to Hawaii back in 1968, a young mother and a devout hippie, I became acquainted with Reynold and Simon Feldman and the friendship has endured all these years. Simone passed away a few years ago but in 2007 I spent quite a bit of time with Reynold, (new name Ruslan)in Hawaii and he basically did what all good Hawaiian men do with an orphan, he adopted me as his Hanai daughter. I found a picture of my father and they look like brothers. So it fits. I lost my father a long time ago and he left when I was 10 years old so there was not the normal bond built with us but my bond with Reynold/Ruslan is what a father/daughter relationship need have. He has a lovely new wife, Cedar Barstow, and lives in Boulder, Colorado. He speaks at least 7 languages if not more and is executive-director of the World Wisdom Project along with authoring at least half-dozen books. This is what he had to say today on my behalf. I'm so blessed to have a friend/hanai father like this:

Dear Friends,
First, let me say I've been supporting Pilar's projects all along. I have known her since she came to Honolulu in the late 60s as a new Subud member of maybe 18 or 19. Forty-two years later, she is creating wonderful films out of nothing--a true miracle of Loaves and Fishes. A talented dancer, singer, and actress, she also turns out to be quite an editor, project developer and produce
r. She is making use of her true talents to create something useful, entertaining, and educational--using her spiritual development not just for personal improvement but for the greater good of us all. I'm pleased my professor-daughter Christine in Australia has also pledged to support Pilar's ambitious drum film, The Eternal Rhythm - a global revelation of drum, dance and song. I feel blessed to be able to add a little more each month. So now I ask all of you who know me to consider doing likewise.
Ramadan blessings,

Reynold Ruslan Feldman, Boulder, CO.

Just click here: The Eternal Rhythm to visit the Indigogo site and watch the trailer to our film. Help us complete this very worthwhile project. Thank you so much for your support!!

Healing Our Heart with Drums

The drum is the heartbeat of the people….in every gathering there is a drum of some sort and I have heard older men and women speak at these gatherings about the healing, soothing beat.” - Virgil Take Alive, Lokata Thunder Drummer

This is a quote I came across when looking for American Indian drumming groups for my documentary "The Eternal Rhythm". I know from experience now of what he is talking because I finally had the opportunity to attend a Powwow and feel what he expresses in this statement.

When I took a kinesiology class in school I was amazed at the mechanisms of the human body, how it all is so perfect from every muscle and cell that functions for our benefit as a human machine. It is truly a miracle and I must give credit to our Creator for thinking of everything. But mostly, the biggest revelation for me was, with our intricate mind churning out thoughts, going non-stop everyday, never does it need to dictate to our heart, our cells, our muscles what needs to be done with the body. It is amazing how our digestive juices do their little dance after we eat to make sure we are taken care of with the appropriate vitamins, minerals, etc. and how the useless wastes are disposed of, all on it's own. We don't have to tell any part of our body what to do. Or never do we need to coach the heart to continue beating. It is self-directing.

That epiphany was such a metaphor for how God looks out for us. If I look back at my life, all the worry I put into my waking moments, taking away the possibility of being creative with that time makes it doubly important how I make up for that wasted energy. I was always taken care of and I literally have nothing to worry about nor did I ever.

We will always be taken care of. As the Rolling Stones declare in their song, "you don't always get what you want, but you get what you need." And as long as our heart is beating, we will have that in common with all of humankind. It is proof of our equality and connectedness. So get to some drums if your heart needs to be healed. For we all have some wounds, big or small festering with the one muscle that never rests. Be kind to your heart. It is the great sustainer. Join others in a drumming group, powwow, take a dance class with drums. I know it is a joy for me. And do please watch the trailer to my doc and be inspired Just click the film title above. God bless you all, Pilar

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Never Give Up

When an astrologer in Hawaii named Parvati told me way back in the 70's, that I would work in film one day and I never give up, she might as well have been saying I was going to moon. I was a professional dancer in Honolulu at the time and working in film was the last thing I would have seen myself doing. Fast forward 30 years and here I am, living near Culver City and working on a documentary and hoping to produce my first Feature Film.

I have a crowd-funding campaign with IndieGoGo for my doc "The Eternal Rhythm" which I was encouraged to do by Carole Dean at From the Heart Productions, who is not only my fiscal sponsor but she has been my employer for the last 7 months. I have learned so much from her. What a positive and supportive person and I have been very blessed to have been able to work with her all this time. The job will be ending at the beginning of October, so I must remember, when God closes a door, He opens a window and I must trust I will have something to sustain me as far as work goes.

I have my actor demo reel together finally and hopefully will visit the Shawn Brogan agency next week and see if I can get her to represent me. I'm starting from scratch in this city but hey, God is large and in charge and along with making films, I will just have to put myself out there to get some acting gigs along with the thousands of other female actors in this city . Fortunately I'm SAG and that helps a bit. So why am I spewing all this personal chatter out there in hopes someone will read it? Ya got me, but if feels good to write and something came to me as I write about my plans and aspirations. I have this little card that quoted Bill Cosby and it said "decide that you want it more than you're afraid of it." Well, that speaks to me in spades.

There has been this underlying fear within me that I wasn't good enough to work along side these seasoned actors that I have actually worked along side with, Alec Baldwin, Clancy Brown, etc. So silly me. I finally arrived to this place of having the confidence and detachment one needs to function within showbiz. I'm happy to say, with age does come wisdom, but most of all comes a determination and a feeling of being independent of others good opinions. It's a nice place to hunker down and stay awhile. Love to all of you actors out there. Never give up if this is your passion. I'm not going to. Peace!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


When I held Cloris Leachmans Oscar around 2004, I knew that my life's work and success would happen later in my life. So as I saddle up to my 60's, fortunately looking younger than my years, I feel this incredible force pushing me into projects I can feel passionately about. They are my babies so to speak and if I'm patient, they will reach completion and I will have enjoyed the journey and not be obsessed with the destination.

Everything seems to come together best when I get out of my own way. Yesterday was one of those special days when everything came together and the force nudging me onward and upward was stronger than ever. Confidence is a wonderful thing. Faith even better. I am starting to possess both, more than ever before, and I know I can do it, whatever is required of me. Sometimes my body doesn't respond like I would like it to but on the most part, I get to my appointments, write what is required and create the necessary parts for the whole of my projects.

I'm blessed with a most amazing editor, Jeremy Scripter, and I couldn't do any of the work that I need to do without him. He helped me put together My Actors Reel and I'm a very grateful person today. Another thing that I have so much gratitude for is that I don't have to please anyone but myself and my Higher Power. Now that's an accomplishment in itself.

I made a film in Austin Texas called Dogs Bark about 9 or 10 years ago and one of the lines I had, spoken to my daughter in the film who was down on herself was "real strength is not having to please anyone but yourself." It has finally sunk into my very being the truth of that line. Real strength is not easy to come by but it's what we all need to get thru these trying times.

So as I embrace who I am and what I'm capable of, I know this is 'my time' , the only time there is and I will make the best of it. I will be the artist I was born to be, creating something others enjoy but not wait for or need the good opinions of others. I have actually realized, I'm here to be the minion conduit for God's work and that is all. It is such a freedom to know "all things pass" and in the end the only constant is God. If the truth be told...

Putting Indie Filmmakers on the Map


Carole Dean, owner and operator of From the Heart Productions, a non-profit helping hundreds of filmmakers over the years, has joined with Indie Go-Go in a partnership that will provide numerous benefits to all films that are covered by our fiscal sponsorships. www.indiegogo.com www.fromtheheartproductions.com

Indie Go-Go(IGG) provides fundraising, promotion and discovery tools to the film and media industry. From the Heart Productions(FTHP) is a non-profit and a fiscal sponsor to qualifying filmmakers. With the two combining forces, filmmakers will not be charged the 5% penalty if they don’t hit your goal. They will receive all the money they raise less their fees through FTHP bi-weekly and all donors receive a tax write-off.

FTHP is the 4th company to be given a partnership with IGG and this will prove to be beneficial to emerging film companies like SouLucet Films, who will be launching a campaign on Indie Go-Go for their documentary “The Eternal Rhythm”, and established ones like Jilann Spitzmiller, who’s films, Shakespeare Behind Bars and Homeland have had great success with help from FTH, for example being picked up by PBS.

Crowd-funding through IGG is now in 140 countries and payment through PayPal allows the filmmaker to receive their money from people all over the world. This in turn, acts as a grassroots effort to not only build fans for the films but also create income for production.

Carole Dean is also an author and mentor, whose two books are considered essential for any filmmaker, The Art of Manifesting: Creating Your Life and The Art of Film Funding, of which a third edition is on the brink of publication with many new contributions from relevant and up to date experts in all areas of filmmaking. She is also responsible for assisting many filmmakers, providing a film grant she awards every year in the name of her father, the Roy W. Dean Film Grant.

As demand for niche content continues to grow, social media becomes increasingly ubiquitous and distribution channels continue to proliferate, the opportunity and importance for filmmakers to connect with audiences for assistance with fundraising and promotion will only expand. This is vital for the creative filmmakers who want to bring their art out into the marketplace, keep control of their project, learn to (Do-It-With-Others) DIWO and share the passion.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Drums, Dance and Gatherings

It would be great if a horde of people showed up on Saturday at the Griffith Park Love-in and we had an actual love-in , in the spirit of the late 60's gatherings. Everybody bring drums, and flutes, food and good vibes. What is going to be strange, since I don't smoke pot or drop acid anymore, and I'm a lot older, is getting into the craziness and inhibition we all fell into back then. I was a teenager in 1967, and absolutely thrilled I belonged to this tribe of very cool hippies because I turned on, tuned in and dropped out. It is just what I needed back then to keep me going, when I sorely needed to be loved.

We all need a sense of belonging, especially if we had broken homes and dysfunctional families. I myself feel much better about myself today. I've accepted where I came from and forgiven the past since it has brought me to who and where I am today. So when I go to Griffith Park on Saturday, I will have no expectations. I will be seeing a couple of people I knew many years ago when I lived in Hawaii and God-willing it will be a beautiful day and we can share the love that exists within us all, being creatures of the Almighty who is love. Peace

Friday, August 12, 2011

Winner of Philips' "Tell It Your Way" competittion

My friend just sent this to me via e-mail. You must all watch a profound piece of filmmaking.

Once in a while you get an email that is really worth sharing.
This summer, Philips and director/producer Ridley Scott launched a global
filmmaking competition dubbed "Tell It Your Way" following its Cannes
Lions award-winning short-film project "Parallel Lines."
The entrants were given freedom of expression and could take up
any theme they wanted.
There were two strict rules -
The dialogue could be precisely six-lines (as it was in the 'Parallel
Lines' films), and entries could not exceed three minutes.

Here's the prize-winning entry in Philips' "Tell It Your Way" competition.
Easy to see how it impressed and touched the judges.
Watch it here:

Bringing Back the Sixties

Next Saturday at Griffith Park, August 20, LOVE-IN IN THE PARK!

So why would we want to do that you ask? Bringing back the sixties seems to be subliminally going on all around us if we pay attention. There are Peace signs displayed on just about everything from kids t-shirts to labels on shampoo. Maybe we're not meant to turn on, tune in and drop out like Timothy Leary suggested, but we certainly need to get back to our roots, before we self-annihilate. Our world is so close to the brink of extinction the way technology is developing. A most peaceful place like Norway was brought to the attention of the world by a maniac with a gun and a bomb. What if he had access to bigger weapons of destruction??

And as we all know it's not the weapons, it's the people. The actual dangerous ones that don't know love or peace in their lives. WE ALL WANT PEACE, and we want it now. So it's about sharing the love that lives within our hearts not with a select few but with all we encounter. None of us are perfect and none of us will live forever. Our lives are but a twinkling of an eye in the big picture. So as I have found in my journey of self-improvement. Let's strive to love ourselves first, 100 per cent then be examples to others. I know people only behave badly when they have no self-love within themselves.

If the truth be told, we really needn't worry about receiving love or giving love, for WE ARE LOVE! Our very existence relies on the energy created by the Universe which is all love. It just got buried by the silly brain-washing adults around us as we were growing up. But back in the sixties, there was this movement towards Peace and loving one another. No matter how surface or insincere, it was the intention and now we have to really pay attention. Let us all become those beings that are living the substance we are made of which is LOVE. For lack of a better word!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Other Venice Film Festival

I will be getting involved with The Other Venice Film Festival. It's our own local festival but must be distinguished from the one in Italy of course. This has more of a reference to our lifestyle here in SoCal. There are some great pics to be screened. I will also be attending the after screenings gatherings, one place in particular you need to check out. Em's Artist Cafe on La Cienega and Washington Blvd. Nice size place, good food and of course coffee. I will be showing the trailer for my film "The Eternal Rhythm" and possibly a 9 min short I did about a 60's teen's life,
"How I Survived the Sixties" with a wonderful cast, really talented and beautiful actors. Both reels will be tweaked especially for this occasion. So keep it on your calendar to come be a part of this popular, local event. Pilar

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let's get back to our roots!!

Hi Folks, before we self-annihilate, let's get back to our roots. Let's connect in a human way.

So many social-networking sites popping up but this is the real deal. A very true way to connect.

If we, as a few individuals, can do anything at all to bring peace and harmony into the world, it is to show you how thousands of people all over the world attempt to do it everyday, with drum, dance an song. Please support this project. Thanks so much God bless you all!

Details of Drum, Dance & Song Documentary

Okay, so some of you already know about this and even donated at the IGG site. Many, many thanks. I had to write this up for a couple of people who want to spread the word but thought it is good enough to send out to you all and hope you will pass it on to two other folks. Thanks so much and God bless, Pilar


Now you can visit the Indie-GoGo website and see the trailer made exclusively to raise funds for the completion of this film www.indiegogo.com/The-Eternal-Rhythm...

The funds will allow SouLucet Films to travel and film important groups dedicated to reaching out to humanity with the joy of dancing and singing accompanied by special drumming that moves our whole being. This is a very important project, for it gives us hope when we connect with others. We will see and feel how much alike we all are within our hearts and souls.

I intend to film MARAFANYI, with a strong bond to Guinea, West Africa, it is a pioneering group, founded by international musicians and teaching artists, Lara Gonzalez & Yael Shacham with Lisa Gonzalez-Howell, presenting an artistic expression that fuses original songs and spoken word with traditional West African rhythm and dance – showcasing indigenous instruments. Their infectious energy, genuine warmth, and rocksolid musical talent place them in high demand for group shows of every genre including World (Angélique Kidjo), Folk (Odetta), Rock (Hamell on Trial), Jazz (Perry Robinson) and Spoken Word (Carl Hancock Rux). Marafanyi is known for diverse creativity -"Percussion is just the beginning!"

Also the SENEGAL-AMERICAN PROJECT consisting of an extremely exciting group of drummers, teachers, and is an expandable, up-close-and-personal model for practicing the most essential and obvious principal of human interactions, which is that we are all connected. The primary goal of the Project is to bring people together in meaningful collaborations that create transformational responses to what we share of common issues and common ground. This extraordinary Project has grown from the initial collaboration between Tony Vacca and Massamba Diop, into a network of musicians, teachers, social activists, schools, film makers and health care professionals. With the help of friends, investors, and partnerships, we've gone far beyond our modest original vision.

The amazing talent that has already been filmed/interviewed are drummer extraordinaire and teacher KiroKiro from Burundi, Africa, Pamela Frankel, a pilgrim to Cuba three times to study the culture of Afro-Cuban drum, dance and song along with Kati Hernandez, a native of Cuba, who teaches and performs all the glorious dances and songs from that country. There is Tiana Liufau, a celebrated choreographer and performer of the Polynesian dances and her family. Ogalala-Lakota Indians Larry Gonzalez and his wife and daughter, Cynthia and Stephany, from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota along with Saginaw Grant, a Sac-Fox Indian, and a legend among the American Indian community. Bineta Diop, the daughter of Massamba Diopand her husband Jason Buchea share a taste of the Senegalese music and dance with us and we have filmed a dance troupe which includes interviews with Jose Rodriguez and Andrea Rodriguez(no relation) who perform the very unique Bomba style of dance, drum and song from Puerto Rico. Then we have the most generous soul of Flavio Pimenta from Meninos de Morumbi in Sao Paulo, Brazil who almost single-handedly created an impressive school to lift the children of the favelas out of poverty and give them something to live for and feel good about in their lives with drum, dance and song.

I have recruited voice talent and actor a’ALI deSOUSA to be the narrator and I have an amazing editor and director of photography, JEREMY SCRIPTER, who currently juggles this project, a full time job with mOcean, a creative movie trailer agency, and his own film projects. I am extremely fortunate to have this roster of talent to help me bring this film to life. I hope to have the documentary completed by the end of this year 2011. With God’s blessings and the help of everyone who supports this project, I’m sure this film will be a winner!! Thank you everyone.

PILAR WALSH/Producer/Writer/Director




Love-In Griffith Park 8/20/2011, Yes, you read that right!

Hello all you Hippies, young, old, new, closeted

The Merry-Go-Round , Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 20 · 12:00pm - 9:00pm

For all of you who didn't live the 60's, we had some very special times at Griffith Park
when the love-ins brought together the tribes, musicians, hippies, and many others.
Should be a fun happening.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Groups, More fun

As you know I'm trying to raise funds to finish my film. I have so many wonderful people yet to film and interview. Going to the East Coast in October to meet Marafanyi, a drum, dance and song group mirroring and resonating with the film I'm making. These are young women tied into the cultural richness of Guinea. Then there is the two amazing talents Massamba Diop and Tony Vacca with their Senegal-America project I'm very much wanting to interview. This can only happen if you help support the project, so watch the trailer on the IndieGoGo site I have created, check out the perks and do what you can, pair up with a friend at $10 each. Just know that you are helping create a wonderful piece of documentary that is an antidote to despair. Before we self-annihilate, let's get back to our roots. Thanks so much for your support, we all love you here at SouLucet Films.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Great Opportunity!

Hello dear friends, my marching orders are to be relentless and diligent. I don't like be redundant though but I do think supporting this film is a wonderful opportunity. Talking with someone from The Other Venice Film Festival www.theothervenicefilmfestival.com about getting this film into an after hours screening. Please visit the indiegogo site, watch the trailer and help me finish this wonderful film which could possibly be the antidote to despair. We are all one!! Love ya'll. Peace!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Drums & Dancing Documentary

Hello everyone,
Donations trickling in... still need a miracle. Please help that miracle happen. Thanks so much. Have a blessed weekend and share my IndieGoGo page with at least one friend today. God bless!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Drum and Dance Documentary: The Eternal Rhythm Raising Completion Funds on Indie GoGo

Hello dear ones, I'm up on twitter (http://twitter.com/pilarsings) now and my blog has become my friend. My techno-saavy actor friend Melinda Augustina helped me navigate the rough waters of Marketing concerning my films. Whew!!

Check out my website, read about my films, watch the trailer on IndieGoGo and get some great perks when you donate to help me finish "The Eternal Rhythm".... More next time. I'm spent. Love ya'll.

Drum and Dance Documentary: The Eternal Rhythm Raising Completion Funds on Indie GoGo

Drum and Dance Documentary Film: "The Eternal Rhythm" produced and directed by me, Pilar Walsh, is now up on Indie GoGo as we raise completion funds!

The trailer is FABULOUS thanks to my great editor, Jeremy Scriptor and the support of all my great friends and colleagues. Please visit, watch the trailer, check out our great perks for donors and share with one friend. THANK YOU for your support!! -- Best wishes, Pilar