Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Healing Our Heart with Drums

The drum is the heartbeat of the people….in every gathering there is a drum of some sort and I have heard older men and women speak at these gatherings about the healing, soothing beat.” - Virgil Take Alive, Lokata Thunder Drummer

This is a quote I came across when looking for American Indian drumming groups for my documentary "The Eternal Rhythm". I know from experience now of what he is talking because I finally had the opportunity to attend a Powwow and feel what he expresses in this statement.

When I took a kinesiology class in school I was amazed at the mechanisms of the human body, how it all is so perfect from every muscle and cell that functions for our benefit as a human machine. It is truly a miracle and I must give credit to our Creator for thinking of everything. But mostly, the biggest revelation for me was, with our intricate mind churning out thoughts, going non-stop everyday, never does it need to dictate to our heart, our cells, our muscles what needs to be done with the body. It is amazing how our digestive juices do their little dance after we eat to make sure we are taken care of with the appropriate vitamins, minerals, etc. and how the useless wastes are disposed of, all on it's own. We don't have to tell any part of our body what to do. Or never do we need to coach the heart to continue beating. It is self-directing.

That epiphany was such a metaphor for how God looks out for us. If I look back at my life, all the worry I put into my waking moments, taking away the possibility of being creative with that time makes it doubly important how I make up for that wasted energy. I was always taken care of and I literally have nothing to worry about nor did I ever.

We will always be taken care of. As the Rolling Stones declare in their song, "you don't always get what you want, but you get what you need." And as long as our heart is beating, we will have that in common with all of humankind. It is proof of our equality and connectedness. So get to some drums if your heart needs to be healed. For we all have some wounds, big or small festering with the one muscle that never rests. Be kind to your heart. It is the great sustainer. Join others in a drumming group, powwow, take a dance class with drums. I know it is a joy for me. And do please watch the trailer to my doc and be inspired Just click the film title above. God bless you all, Pilar

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