Friday, August 12, 2011

Bringing Back the Sixties

Next Saturday at Griffith Park, August 20, LOVE-IN IN THE PARK!

So why would we want to do that you ask? Bringing back the sixties seems to be subliminally going on all around us if we pay attention. There are Peace signs displayed on just about everything from kids t-shirts to labels on shampoo. Maybe we're not meant to turn on, tune in and drop out like Timothy Leary suggested, but we certainly need to get back to our roots, before we self-annihilate. Our world is so close to the brink of extinction the way technology is developing. A most peaceful place like Norway was brought to the attention of the world by a maniac with a gun and a bomb. What if he had access to bigger weapons of destruction??

And as we all know it's not the weapons, it's the people. The actual dangerous ones that don't know love or peace in their lives. WE ALL WANT PEACE, and we want it now. So it's about sharing the love that lives within our hearts not with a select few but with all we encounter. None of us are perfect and none of us will live forever. Our lives are but a twinkling of an eye in the big picture. So as I have found in my journey of self-improvement. Let's strive to love ourselves first, 100 per cent then be examples to others. I know people only behave badly when they have no self-love within themselves.

If the truth be told, we really needn't worry about receiving love or giving love, for WE ARE LOVE! Our very existence relies on the energy created by the Universe which is all love. It just got buried by the silly brain-washing adults around us as we were growing up. But back in the sixties, there was this movement towards Peace and loving one another. No matter how surface or insincere, it was the intention and now we have to really pay attention. Let us all become those beings that are living the substance we are made of which is LOVE. For lack of a better word!

1 comment:

  1. those were the daze in griffith park!!!i miss u all!!! green power fed millions and i wish i could reunite w/u all!!!
    i was a green power focalizer prior to becoming the mad yippie pie thrower!! lets remember those who are gone!!! mainly cleo knight who founded green power
