I know, it's all relative, the truth changes with every person. I do believe there are Universals truths and I want to write about them, share them, find them, whatever the wind blows in. Let's start with something as expansive as "We Are All One". How much the world tells us to the contrary. I am in school and had to do a paper on Jill Bolte Taylor's experience of a brain tumor causing her to have only her right brain function and her spiritual journey of that reality. Amazing. She experienced Nirvana, Heaven and the oneness of all Mankind. So why can't we all feel that all the time? Well, I will leave you to ponder that. Gonna go have Thanksgiving dinner with my housemate and her family. God bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving!!
Life is choc-a-bloc with paradox, seeming contradictions, and that which cannot be explained through the mind. You cannot explain the ocean to a fish.