This is so much fun....I even have one follower and that was a surprise. God bless you Benedict(almost wrote Leonard) How time flies. Does it really fly? It can whiz by too I've heard. I look back at my life and I can hardly believe I will hit the big ....well, that is a secret. Why must I hide the fact I'll be turning year. Wow, it's hard to admit my age. Is it because I live in Hollywood? Or that when I was little, the age I'm gonna be was ancient? If the truth be told, I'm a bit scared of getting older. Right now, when I go on Craigslist, I feel like I don't belong there. I look for work that even only 5 years ago was appropriate and today seems so not me.
Well, I'm not alone and this week was a mind-opener concerning my place in the universe.
I heard the statement once from my spiritual master, so to speak, "we must come to be alone with God." Is that the truth? YES. Why? Because, at any moment we may be asked to check out from our fleshy envelope and leave this world, this dream, this life we have become so attached to and go to the next life. Alone with God can also mean joining with the others who are also turning there minds and hearts to the Almighty. It is an energy, life force, vibration that is felt when this moment of communion is so solitary, so singular. I love when I can just focus on that part of me that is empty and whole at the same time. I guess I'm hitting on my blog of yesterday. We are all one and and now that I can write all this down and not give a damn who reads it or if it is read at all. I will write my musings and live my life until it is my check out time and take each moment as if that is the most important moment. Instead of pining for this, that and the other. I dont' always achieve that mindset but I'm working on it. Until tomorrow, sending my lone reader much love and God's blessings. In light and love, Pilar
All good wishes and feelings gratefully received! I have that same Bapak quote over my computer, to glance at periodically and remind me of what's important... "You will reach God by yourself." What's funny, of course, is that we already know these things inside already, and when we read them, the words resonate within, and we're reminded of their truth.